Land's End
The initial phase of the project focused on reworking the primary navigation, utility navigation and a redesign of the home page, adopting responsive grids and optimizing for touch devices. Continued design efforts focused on landing pages, and product pages, adopting the new styles while maintaining key functionality. Upon finalizing the design, ZaneRay worked with the Lands' End technical team to formulate a plan, which would phase in the responsive grid over the ensuing months. Two releases allowed for a pre-holiday launch of the touch and tablet-optimized site, with a follow-up launch enabling a responsive layout to the mobile level in the winter of 2014.
These efforts resulted in an updated look to match the company's progressive styles and a highly optimized site for tablet and mobile. Gains in SEO and efficiencies in site management are just some of the benefits of this release of the Lands' End site. ZaneRay feels fortunate to work with this important heritage brand and thoroughly enjoyed partnering up with such a great team.
About Lands' End
As an iconic American brand, Lands' End has been supplying quality, well-made, stylish apparel and lifestyle goods to its customers for over 50 years. Their website is a considerable internal effort, created and managed by a very talented team. Lands' End engaged ZaneRay to help with converting their site to be responsive as a key mobile design strategy. The work involved collaborating with the Lands' End creative team to refresh and modernize the overall design, restructure navigation to improve the product discovery path, and enhance the overall shopping experience within a ‘one site fits all' framework.